Being head of state is a very demanding role in any country, regardless the level of formal powers. First and foremost they should be able to perform their duties. Clearly a very elderly person with mobility or even cognitive issues in such a high profile role is a concern. Be it monarchs, politicians, glocal business leaders etc they pretty much have one thing in common: they have great difficulty relinquishing power to the next generation....
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[...]We laugh about the 90 year old senators in the US Congress and a wobbling President in the White House but we also have these very old monarchs as Heads of State. I find it difficult to watch to be honest.
Well, both the senators and POTUS have a bunch more power than these monarchs who - especially in Sweden - have a mostly only ceremonial role to play. They are de jure heads of state, but the say has politics. Same in the UK.
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