--Previous Message--
: Beged,
: Really? How fascinating. Please expand on
: this, and could you please send me a copy of
: the picture to the email address above or to
: dreaming@jerusalemdreaming.info
: PS: Welcome to the message board - glad to
: have you join the discussion.
: Anne
: --Previous Message--
: Shalom Chevre,
: It goes deeper than all of you have
: imagined. Haj Harun...He was/is real...I
: have a picture of him.
: --Previous Message--
: Jean Daniel,
: You must have been writing your message
: below as I was writing a reply to one of
: your earlier posts.
: I have started thinking about how to go
: about presenting this information. Last time
: I read the books (the first three) I decided
: to keep notes and look up the references
: later.
: I've been doing this the past few days.
: Your idea of a who's who could be the way to
: go.
: But first to get it all down, book by book.
: Anne
: --Previous Message--
: Anne,
: First step could be a "Who's Who"
: of the Quartet: a list of historical or
: literary characters who appeare or are
: alluded to in the text, to wit: Sir Richard
: Burton (a source for Plantagenet Strongbow),
: the real White Monk of Timbuktu, the
: O'Sullivan Beare clan, the Wallenstein...
: Plus, there is the chronology I sent you,
: which I'm adding to as I translate Nile
: Shadows.
: JD
: --Previous Message--
: Amazing indeed. I always felt when reading
: the
: novels that there was a mystery to unravel.
: You know it's there but you don't know what
: it is.
: No doubt, as Jean-Daniel is doing, a
: scrupulous scan of every reference in the
: novels to anything obscure will unravel some
: of the threads.
: But one would have to be as well read as
: Whittemore to get all the meanings contained
: therein.
: Indeed, an annoted Whittemore would be
: excellent, but who would do it?
: I have always intended to create a page
: detailing all the sources, but it seems a
: huge job and time consuming to boot.
: If I make a start it will at least be a
: beginning, but time is the problem.
: Anne
Message Thread | This response ↓ the roots - jonathan December 11, 2001, 9:39 pm
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