Re: Juan Carlos' downfall
First, and which also explains why aforementioned person you asked the question of "origin" went all silent - previously earlier this year indicated to me over on the BRMB in a thread on colonial migration that he was somewhere in a midwest US "flyover" state. This was directed at me in a thread where I was remarking on the complexity of wider migration from the UK to all parts of the empire and he of course simplified it down to "to seek a better life". So then of course you can now understand in part why same person would also similarly simplify and distort the life of Juan Carlos and then inadvertently once again expose his own underlying animus towards the concept and history of monarchy itself. "But they're rich and spoiled...!" etccc. Personally? Like you and most people hopefully I am more interested in both individual stories of monarchs and the wider events that happened during their reign - and what were genuinely complex and often unique sets of circumstances - whether it was an ordinary citizen or a monarch. Going back to Juan Carlos, he surely had advisers and persons he trusted in many if not all his major decisions, so the circumstances are complex there also, and the so-called "court of public opininion" is often the least objective or honest, with other motives and underlying pathologies at work sometimes. Previous Message Yes, but not on your list. Well, you mentioned the elephant, but, it was not the elephant. No, it has nothing to do with tolerance, but with a change of public opinion. Spain was suffering a terrible economic crisis and everything changed. It also led to a crisis of the traditional political parties, that brought new ones, which have proven to be worse than the traditional ones. And finally the press, that had been silent for decades, then began a contest to see who got more medals chasing the Crown. There is nothing worse that the zeal of the converted. Still nothing about your origins.