Edited by Johan on 28/4/2018, 0:34:22
There was a queen of Portugal who was queen by both her marriages to two brothers but there were no coronations as far as i know.
--Previous Message--
: --Previous Message--
: So far i've only been able to find one date
: of
: her coronation: February 8th 1492. that was
: during her first marriage.
: her second husband Louis XII was crowned May
: 27th 1498 but i cannot find any information
: if Anne was re-crowned with him or not.
: Her second marriage to Louis XII did not
: take place until 1499 as Louis needed to
: have his first marriage to Jeanne of France
: (sister of Charles VIII) annulled first
: (Jeanne was a cripple who could not bear
: children).
: According to Anne's Wiki entry:
: "Anne's second coronation ceremony as
: Louis XII's consort took place on 18
: November 1504, again at St. Denis
: Basilica."
: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_of_Brittany
: --Previous Message--
: Was Anne actually crowned and anointed a
: second time with Louis, or was she only
: crowned when she married Charles? Given the
: sacred nature of the act and the medieval
: understanding that a woman once crowned
: remained a queen for life even if she
: remarried a non-king, I would have thought
: it would be something that could only be
: done to a person once.
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