If Patsy Cline had left Decca and moved over to RCA do you think she and Jim would have recorded togather!
Re: Patsy Cline & RCA
Posted by Larry Jordan on October 21, 2023, 3:27 pm, in reply to "Patsy Cline & RCA"
Well my first reaction is she would have had hits a lot sooner than she did. It was only after she had observed what Jim was doing that she confronted Owen about a song she liked that she wanted to record in a style more like what Reeves and Chet were doing over at RCA...the Nashville Sound. When she made that transition her career took off. I do think it's a possibility that Jim would have recorded with Patsy because when they played shows together they sometimes sang duets, as attested to by charter pilot Bill Larson. I have mentioned him before. He was one of my closest friends and we talked daily on the phone. He passed away in December and I miss him greatly. He knew a lot of the stars...was very close to Ray and Linda Price. Had scores of stories.