--Previous Message--
: Dear Pat,
: This is how I answered Anne's query re the
: same subject on April 5:
: Regarding the French title of "Sinai
: Tapestry"--
: I'm a bit to blame, I'm afraid.
: The initial title, "La Tapisserie du
: Sinai", was the one chosen by book
: editor Gérard Klein. After I'd sent the
: corrected manuscript, but before I
: got the galleys to read, he phoned me to
: tell that his title had been more or less
: vetoed at the publisher.
: Too unwieldy, I think.
: Jean-Daniel, could you suggest something
: else?
: I went back to the book, discovered that the
: famous Sinai Bible was also called Codex
: Sinaiticus, and I came up with "Le
: Codex du Sinai".
: Gérard Klein was a bit reluctant, but the
: people at Robert Laffont were ecstatic.
: Anyway, if you look up the book on
: www.fnac.com and www.amazon.fr, you see, in
: lieu of cover, the title page of the
: galleys... with "La Tapisserie du
: Sinai".
: The true cover will be posted shortly, I
: hope.
: May 7 addendum: as of today, the fnac.com
: site has the right cover, but the amazon.fr
: still shows the galleys' title page...
: Best,
: Jean-Daniel
: --Previous Message--
: Looks good, M. Breque. I plodded through as
: much as my high school french would allow.
: But why isn't the title, "La Tapisserie
: du Sanai"? Cover looks very good, I
: think. Thank you again for providing this
: great service for the Gallic world.
: -Pat
: --Previous Message--
: For French-speaking readers:
: The introduction to Le Codex du Sinai,
: written by editor Gerard Klein, has just
: been posted on the xlii (ie 42) website.
: Here's the link:
: http://www.quarante-deux.org/archives/klein/prefaces/codex.html
: Jean-Daniel
Message Thread Sinai Tapestry: Introduction to the French edition - Jean-Daniel BREQUE May 5, 2005, 10:55 pm
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