Thanks for your reply. --Previous Message--
I've come to the conclusion that "Harrigan" refers to the character in "Fifty Miles from Boston", the George M. Cohan musical, and to the song of the same name (covered by Mickey Rooney, among others, as well as by James Cagney in "Yankee Doodle Dandy," the 1942 Cohan biopic).
"Harrigan, that's me," the opening line of the song, seems to have been a catch phrase at the time--today, it's the motto of a Harrigan website put out in Ireland.
Of course, there is also the William Harrigan, aka Billy the Kid, mentioned by Borges, but this doesn't seem to fit;-)
: Jean-Daniel,
: The Harrigan reference is certainly a tricky
: one. I for one have no idea what it means.
: Perhaps it means nothing at all beyond being
: an Irish patronymic. I did a few google
: searches which didn't reveal anything of any
: great significance.
: There was a reference to an old song called
: "I'm Harrigan I am I am"; an
: obscure reference to a gambling cowboy from
: the movies called Harrigan; but not much
: else.
: Let's hope someone else has more ideas.
: Anne
: --Previous Message--
: Hello,
: As Anne wrote on the home page, the French
: translation of Sinai Tapestry will be out
: shortly (some reviewers have already got a
: copy; yr humble translator comes after
: them).
: I'm hard at work on the translation of
: Jerusalem Poker, and I need some help from
: you erudite fellows.
: In Chapter 8, "Joker Wild", as Joe
: leaves the table, the British brigadier
: tells him: "Don't tell me the famous
: high-low Harrigan of Jerusalem Poker has
: lost for a change?" (pp. 157-158 of the
: Old Earth Books edition)
: That Harrigan reference completely escapes
: me. Can any of you help, please?
: Thanks in advance.
: Best,
: Jean-Daniel
Message Thread French translation: help wanted - Jean-Daniel BREQUE April 7, 2005, 10:23 pm
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