--Previous Message--
: Roland,
: You are perfectly correct about the books -
: they are forgotten wonders of the literary
: world.
: I have heard that a British publisher is
: contemplating publishing the books, so they
: may be readily available in the UK in the
: future. That will also make it easier to
: purchase them here in Australia.
: You should also read Quin's Shanghai Circus
: as it is a wonderful book as well and has
: some bearing on the Quartet in that a few of
: the characters make an appearance in
: Jerusalem Poker.
: --Previous Message--
: Everything that a review article in the Times
: Literay Supplement said is true. Having
: never heard of EW before I ordered the books
: in the hope that I would read something of
: interest. I DID. It is an astonishing
: sequence of novels and an outrage that they
: are not, up until now perhaps, better known.
: Old Earth Books are to be congratulated not
: just for reprinting the sequence; but for
: producing a well made, good looking
: paperback. They were difficult to obtain in
: the UK!
: :
Message Thread Jerusalem Quartet - Roland John September 1, 2004, 5:01 am
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