--Previous Message--
: Point taken.
: --Previous Message--
: Perhaps therein lies the experiential
: difference. The postings of readers vs. the
: posting of a character borne of the work
: itself. My invitation is not literary, its
: real, as real as the characters in EW's
: books. If you can get yourself to an airport
: you can get to Jerusalem. Its that simple.
: --Previous Message--
: Well, most of us who post here are book
: lovers
: first and foremost so we see Whittemore's
: books in that context. I agree that you
: can't compare Whittemore to other writers -
: he is one of a kind - very special.
: I would love to visit Jerusalem some time -
: it's one of the things I dream of
: accomplishing in my life before I die.
: --Previous Message--
: Most of the postings I have read are
: literary,
: comparing EW to this or that author, to this
: or that work. ST & JP are beyond
: literary comparisons. They are indeed
: Jerusalem Experiences that can not be fully
: grasped outside the influence of this Holy
: City, straight or stoned. I invite you to
: Jerusalem to relive the experience, or as I
: have, to live the experience.
: --Previous Message--
: Quite a story! I'm not sure though, how we
: don't get it.
: In my humble opinion Whittemore's books mean
: many things to many people, so whether we
: have to be stoned to get them, I must
: admit I have had some insights when stoned
: on pot, but tend to forget whatever it was I
: discovered as soon as I am straight.
: Perhaps, as you say, one really has to read
: the books in Jerusalem. It's a long way for
: me, but maybe one day I will be able to
: accomplish this.
: Anne
: --Previous Message--
: In 1983 my soul brother Bari introduced me
: to
: Sinai Tapestry and shortly thereafter to
: Jerusalem Poker. I was 23, recently
: divorced, having married at 20, bore three
: kids, buried two, returned my ex to her
: mother, with a black-coat black-hat
: background, living in Jerusalem. By the time
: I had finished the two books my epiphany was
: complete. I recognised the Jerusalem
: characters, I even have a picture of myself
: with Haj Harun, the 3000 year old Defender
: of Jerusalem, who always lost. No kidding.
: For REAL. A few weeks ago Bari emailed me
: that he had found this website. Imagine my
: surprise. There are two more volumes to the
: quartet! I can't wait to read them! Now for
: my 2 cents. I read many of the postings on
: this website and frankly, none of you get
: it. Perhaps its because none of you were in
: Jerusalem when you read ST or JP, or if you
: were, you weren't smoking hash. And brother
: Angevin Arbalest, though you have a most EW
: name, you are the furthest from getting it!
: What EW did for me was take me from the
: ghettoes of Exile and transformed me into a
: post-modern Biblical character who has
: changed the future of Jerusalem. In 2003 I
: re-read Sinai Tapestry, wanting to
: experience it a 2nd time 20 years later.
: Amazingly I was deeply disappointed. I had
: transcended the experience to such an extant
: that EW would be proud to know that he had
: so succeeded in creating change that the
: initial work he penned had taken on a life
: of its own, and had surpassed his
: imagination. Biblical garments and Biblical
: weddings, Holy Half Shekels and Ketoret,
: Techelet and more. The Holy Temple in
: Jerusalem...
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