Stacey has been on chemo over a year now, and it's starting to take a really big toll on her. By nature she is strong and spunky, she is full of ideas and she is constantly active to the max, until she absolutely must stop to rest. But she doesn't ever feel good, her legs have been badly affected, she fights pain all the time. Part of why she keeps going non-stop is steroids. They have been treating her with them since the beginning. She is also stubborn and headstrong, and refuses all advice I give about slowing down and resting more. She says as long as she can go-go-go she will.
But things are starting to happen that are very concerning. She put a gouge in her shin by accident when she hit a piece of an iron bedframe that was sticking out too far. It was in a hotel she stayed at when she got away for a weekend to the casino, and then to the beach. But she couldn't walk on the sand, she fell and couldn't get up. She has neuropathy in her feet and weakness in the legs from chemo. Then she tripped over a wire in the garage, and went down hard, bruising one knee. Yesterday she fell while tending the plants in the yard, and then later she was giving the cat his medicine. He is 13 years old and has serious medical issues and please pray for him, he is her best love in the world and if anything happens to him I don't know what would happen to her. But he squirmed and jumped out of her arms and landed on her toe, bloodying it by accident with his claws. Later, she hurried into the house from the garage when she thought someone needed her help, and bashed that same toe into the outside threshhold. She doesn't feel her feet from neuropathy, her legs are weak and her balance very poor, it's causing her no end of problems. This morning her leg was red and swollen to the knee, so she is now at the ER on intravenous anti-biotics. We'll know more what's really going on later. How can I even think of doing anything or going anywhere anymore?
I've been to two bookclub Zooms and it's OK, I don't think I'd miss it tho, if I didn't go. I talked to my sister that one time a few weeks ago, and have absolutely no desire to talk to her again, altho I know I probably will.
Stacey knows someone with the same last name as a junior high school friend of my first boyfriend. We used to double-date. I liked him very much, an upstanding young man. The last time I saw him was 1956. I asked her if she might be related, it doesn't seem so, but it prompted me to google him. I found he became an engineer, and wrote old-time rock and roll way back when. I listened to his records on You-tube. I also found his obit, dated 2019. He and his wife are both gone. Bobby L. and I are still here, corresponding on Facebook. We are lucky.
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