on 3/8/2021, 8:47 pm
Last Thursday, I was able to spend the day with one couple I hadn't seen in about six years. We had an enjoyable day. They'll be married 50 years in May and I had the pleasure of working on their announcement for them.
Next Thursday, I expect to see my husband's cousin and his wife (also my younger daughter's godfather) He was contacted through my daughter's foray into the DNA quests which turned up his son as a relative.
Tonite I made contact with my best friend's son on the phone. She was the glue that held the family together and when she passed, they scattered like the wind. He and his wife had sold their house and moved to Florida without fanfare 4 years ago. This fellow had been part of our lives since he was born and he had a special relationship with my deceased husband. We'll be getting together in NY when he comes up to help his brother. I'd been trying to touch base with him since he moved.
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