First and foremost our captain- Howard "the human vacuum" Rothwieler, if it can be caught or speared Howard will find it and capture it, none better
The Crew:
Francis "Ford Capolla" O'Gorman our cinematographer, he captures all the teams adventures on film for posterity
Jack "bugman" Fullmer- this guys dreams about lobster and does OK catching them, rumor has it
Jack is Jacques Cousteau's love child
John "faster then a speeding bullit" Sajdak- can get in the water faster than Clark Kent could change to Superman in a phonebooth, has no other redemming qualities
Harley " the book of knowledge" Sager- this guy is incredible, mention a wreck, any wreck and he can tell where it's located, how deep, how it lies on the bottom, when it sank, what it's made of and if pressed he can show you a detailed map of the damn thing
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