According to Wikipedia the title of Duchess of Franco was created on Nov.26th 1975, only 6 days after Franco's death and just 4 days after J.C. assession.
Juan Carlos became king on Nov. 22nd.
Was it the first title created by JC ?
A bit difficult to understand the rush, in such troubled times.
Maybe a promise to Franco ?
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This is interesting, because I was also wondering about the Primo de Rivera dukedom. It was in fact created in 1948, so according to your news it will also vanish now with this expected law? I did a little reading on the family - although the original duke was also the founder of the Falange movement, on the other hand his grandson was actually an important ally of Juan Carlos in the period of transition to a parliamentary democracy. So - a sad final outcome for the present duke if he is included in this loss of title (although he continues as Marques de Estella, yes?) Previous Message
It affects titles granted between 1948 and 1978 to people linked to Franco’s regime. All titles granted by King Juan Carlos between 1975 and 1978 are also affected. Only the Dukedom of Fernandez-Mirada will continue to exist. Previous Message
Thanks for this news and the wider information on their coming loss of titles. Does the new law concern just the Franco dukedom or are there other titles given during the early years of Juan Carlos reign that will also be affected? Previous Message
The family have lost all cases before the Courts and the property belongs to the state. They even try to keep the mobiliary and other objects inside the property, but they have lost, too.
And, when a bill now in parliament becomes law, the family will lose the nobiliary titles granted to them by King Juan Carlos. So, it seems Luis Alfonso will not be Duke of Franco after his mother. Previous Message
It was about 2-3 years ago, this incident in Spain with the large villa property that was being occupied by the descendants of Franco and finally the state told them to get out. What happened to the place after that? Did the Franco grandson who was protesting then try to fight them in the courts?