It's just that in the past, royal stepchildren were typically blood relatives as well: I don't know if the Duke and Duchess of Kent were related, and if so, what degree. My guess is that it was a distant one: so the husband would have been at least remotely related to his wife's children from her previous marriage. If nothing else, they had a status and titles.
Now, Archduchess Elisabeth Franziska of Austria-Hungary, by contrast, was married twice to fellow Habsburgs -- firstly to a second cousin, and secondly to a first cousin. As such, her daughter Maria Theresia, Archduchess of Austria-Este, would have been a close blood relation (as well as an equally ranked royal) to her stepfather, Archduke Karl Ferdinand of Austria-Teschen. Previous Message
Indeed but at least they were born with, albeit minor, princely titles.
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