on 9/11/2023, 11:56:00, in reply to "Re: How many Norwegian Kings have been called Olav?"
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The official list of kings does not always include Olav Magnusson (1099-1115), and he did not receive a regnal number. He became co-king in 1103 with his elder brothers Øystein I Magnusson (reign 1103-1123) and Sigurd I 'Jordsalfare' Magnusson (reign 1103-1130).
Why is he not always included? The only explanation I have seen is his age, he died only 16 years old Previous Message
I have difficulties understanding the line of Norwegian Kings when it comes to the name Olav. There seems to have been six King with that name, but the latest one was Olav V. Which King should be excluded?
Olav Tryggvason 995-1000
Olav den hellige 1015-1028
Olav Kyrre 1069-1093
Olav Magnusson 1103-1115
Olav Håkonsson 1370-1387
Olav V 1957-1991
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