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    Relax and chill Archived Message

    Posted by Marion on 7/6/2020, 11:54 am, in reply to "Re: It's good to be back home."

    It certainly feels much calmer,relaxed and happier on here.

    The new site is far too intense for an old buzzard like me!

    I always find there to be far too much anger on the other site, reasoned discussion was being limited by the rage many , especially when political matters were being posted on

    It seemed so very stressful and intense and far less relaxed than it should have been, “it’s a message board FFS” as many have repeatedly told us!

    The opinions, certainly the politically based ones, of the vast majority of the regular heavy usage posters were very much as one and their deep, deep hatred of the Tories seemed to overshadow most non football topics , it usually provoked a very aggressive pack response to even the slightest suggestion of an alternative opinion or even questioning their opinion was typically met by a blanket defence so it became pointless to attempt to offer alternative option for rational and sensible discussion.

    It still seems that many on there are totally convinced that because this format is so much simpler why in God’s name would anyone choose here rather than on the all singing all dancing modern board?

    They simply do not understand or sadly seemingly want to understand, that for many that is exactly the reason for not wanting to move to the new....many just want the quaint antiquated simplicity of what they have used for decades.

    What baffles me is why they continually make this point, it comes across to me at least that they need to continually convince themselves they don’t need the old site

    A latest post over there suggests totally correctly
    “the old place really does look tired. The layout on here is so much easier to navigate”

    But what they don’t seem to understand is that is EXACTLY what many of us want, it’s not a negative it’s THE positive!

    There is no need to abandon either site IMO simply out of anger or stubbornness and obviously if Boardhost closes down then this site will fold and people will have three options, move to the new site, not post anywhere at all, or go to any other message site that suits them.

    It is unfortunate that many have found need to publicly state they won’t be using this site again which of course is their prerogative, personally I will be using both sites dependant on which content attracts me.

    I have the feeling that the topics on each site will frequently differ and that is a good thing IMO and it is entirely possible that matters football will be more prevalent on the new site.

    Anyway let’s move forward and play nicely, we are all County family remember.

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