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    Re: Newbies.... Archived Message

    Posted by JKB9B on 20/1/2020, 9:57 pm, in reply to "Re: Newbies...."

    I'm a _relative_ noob, can I have a go?

    Best County manager: There are three obvious contenders but for sheer persistence in the face of adversity it has to be Sir James Gannon.
    Favourite County player? I've been going since 1966 so it's difficult to pick one but I've always enjoyed a traditional winger so I'll go for Johnny Price. Or Kevin. Or Flynny.
    Best awayday? The draw against West Ham in the cup. A cracking result, plus my employer, unbeknownst to him, paid my travel costs and my time to get down there.
    Favourite Stockport boozer? Being teetotal, I don't have one but in a past life I spent a lot of time in The Midway.
    Best County era? Mid 1990s on the pitch, but the late 1960s were great too; gricing Edgeley shed over the back of the Railway End, the crowd changing ends at half time, Wagon Wheels 6 ft. across from the tea stall on the Pop Side, Arthur rampaging up and down the side of the pitch giving the Linesman what for, goalposts for goalposts...marvellous.
    Best band: I can't decide between Oysterband and Dr. Feelgood.
    Hate Burnley, Stoke, Bratfud or Citeh? Burnley and Stoke, obviously, but the Bradford thing has worn off a bit now. I pity those Stopfordians who've forsaken their birthright and prefer to go pothunting at the Etihad to supporting their hometown team, but apart from that I regard Citeh as completely irrelevant to us these days. I'm old skool when it comes to teams I dislike; I'm an ABU 'til I die.
    Favourite County goal? Sammy McMillan's overhead kick at EP.
    Most embarrassing County related story? When I was around thirteen, a neighbour gave me an old greatcoat he'd held on to after leaving the RAF. It was about 99 sizes too big for me but I wore it proudly whenever the weather was a bit chilly. I was threatened with arrest by a very grumpy Police sergeant one Friday night at EP because I'd left the wings and stripes on the coat and I wasn't entitled to them.
    Assoumani or Bounab? Sefton Gonzales.

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