Odd Encounters.
Posted by Godfrey Firth on April 9, 2002, 3:18 pm I live in Shanghai, China now - and fill a suitcase with books in Hong Kong whenever I get a chance. I recently picked up Gravity's Rainbow - since I'd heard the Pynchon/Whittemore comparison way back when - and found it highly disappointing. Too much of an author in love with his own obtuse cleverness, and not enough story. In any event, I'm ecstatic to hear the books will be back in print - I've been hunting for my own copies for ages, especially since I left Boston and the well-worn BPL copies I signed out repeatedly. And, Anne, thank you for the website - the background essays are fascinating and moving.
Re: Odd Encounters.
Posted by anne on April 10, 2002, 7:52 pm It is good to hear from another Edward Whittemore enthusiast. And also it is fantastic news that the books will be back in print very soon. I agree that Whittemore is incomparable to the likes of Thomas Pynchon as you basically can't compare him to any other writer. I tried reading Gravity's Rainbow years ago and got nowhere with it. I'm glad you liked the essays I managed to get for the site. All the best, Anne
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