Thanks so much for putting this site together. A cousin of mine lent me a copy of Sinai Tapestry after hearing me exclaim my love for Robert Anton Wilson, Thomas Pynchon, and others who write this sort of hypersurreal fiction. Needless to say, after reading ST I was hooked! Edward Whittemore became a fixture in my searches of Toronto's used bookstores. I've been lucky enough to come across paperback copies of Jerusalem Poker and Quin's Shanghai Circus. Jerusalem Poker has become one of my favourite all-time novels. Such a sweeping vision! In fact, I came across this site searching the Net for copies of the thrid and fourth novels. Thanks for the info that these weren't published in paperback. It has saved my a lot of futile searching! I very much look forward to their imminent rerelease. After perusing your page with the covers of his novels, I noticed that the cover from my edition of Quin's (1982 Avon Bard edition from the US) isn't on your site. If you like, I could scan you a copy and email it to you. Regards, Lewis
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