As for me personally, I'm busy as I always am with caregiving. Don't remember if I told you Mike needed a battery replacement for his DBS unit, but before it could get done on Neurology's schedule, it totally failed. So we took him down to UCLA in the middle of the night, and the next day they had to do an emergency replacement.
I also had something weird, I'm not sure if it was a TIA or not. Words got funny for a minute. Test was clear, but I will need an MRI for follow-up.
My sister had been making attempts at communication for the past month or so, and I finally decided to respond. I find her the same, completely wrapped up in herself, utterly selfish and dismissive and uninterested in anyone else's situation. She never once asked me how either of my ill children were, or me for that matter. She has no patience with anything you say, and says things when you talk like "Get to the point." But she took 10 minutes to describe her broken cell phone and what her carrier said, and what they'll do to repair it. Because it's her cell phone. Hers. That makes it worth taking up time. She made sure to tell me how pleasant her life is, she has lots of time to do as she pleases, she goes wherever she wants, she told me which shows and concerts she's planning on attending. She has to know, of course she does, that I am caregiving to two very sick children, that I haven't a minute to brush my teeth for God's sake, that the only places I go are hospitals and clinics. And as I said before, doesn't say one word about how is anyone here. She is worried about her daughter who is having surgery next month, as I am too. And she is worried about her son, who is living an unsavory life, and she talked about both of their situations at length, but never once asked about my children or me. She has been this way and worse all her life, and I'm sure it's never going to change.
So how's by you?
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