Nothing new and really interesting is happening in this restricted life we have to lead, I am working hard caregiving, up many nights sharing the night shift, and feeling very old and achy. I hate the winter, it's been a cooler and windier one than usual.
I have the desire to knit again, but I'd have to find my stuff packed away long ago by my kids when I had my surgery. Just getting out of the chair is daunting lately, my back and legs are really shot. I've been sitting much too much for a year. I'm also getting the genealogy bug again, but sitting long hours at the computer or with the laptop is not a good idea, so I'm only doing a few hours at a time.
L.A. County vaccination sites have been shut down for first shots for several weeks, so I have been unable to make an appointment, even tho I've been checking multiple times, day and night. They say things will be opening up soon, but now I hear they are opening for other groups as well as mine, so that will mean more people in the new group vying for appointments with those like me of the old group who couldn't find a spot.
I was in the middle of some gnarly dental work when the pandemic hit, and I haven't been back to finish up since. Things have gone from bad to worse, and I hope they can salvage all they began last year.
Elle's great grandson has been a joy to see. Please keep the pictures coming.
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