Well kids, i've been putting off doing this for a long time now, but i really think this is the right thing to do, and will make the board better. There are just too many trolls around, that will always be around, and my schedule for the next several months is quite busy, and there are times i won't be able to be around the board, so i've decided to install password protection. What that means is you'll need a user name and a password to post here. The board will still be able to be viewed by all, only those wishing to post will be required to have a user name and a password. So what you'll need to do is e-mail me at tvd65@hotmail.com what you want your user name and password to be, and i'll add you on. Sorry for any inconvenience, but it's really not a big deal once i get you added on. I've also thought about those who like to post here under an alias from time to time, which i can see why in some cases. My solution to that is when you e-mail me your main username as password you'd like to use, you can also send me 2 "backup" user names and passwords if you like, and use those hopefully rare times when you want post, but don't want it known it's you. Of couse, it'll be up to you to remember you username(s), and password(s), though you can e-mail me if you forget them and i can resend it, but i won't send them out again to any unfamiliar or suspicious looking e-mail requests for them. Also, please don't give your password out to anyone. Thanks for your patience, i'll get you added as quickly as you e-mail me, and i really think this will be better for everyone here, except for the trolls, in the longrun. Thanks, Trent