Has anyone earned their TIA classification through your band program? What did you do to accomplish this? Any information would be greatly appreciated. What I have done the past 3 years has not been successful for many reasons, but I now have the opportunity to create my own demonstration of growth. I am required to do a portfolio.
We use SLO and TTESS to determine eligibility. Reflect on your previous TTESS evaluations to find areas of growth. You need lots of 4's and 5's. Choose a measurable SLO or growth goal for the students. "Play better" is not specific or measurable and "make a 1" does not provide data for individual growth. Our district provides a chart where our average TTESS scores (domain 2 and 3) meet student growth component to determine designation.
I find most people over do their SLO, or are made to use something other than SLO. Argue for SLO as much as possible, it is very achievable. But you still need excellent TTESS scores and that is much more difficult.
If you would like more help leave a phone number or email for me to contact.