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on 2/11/2024, 5:50 pm
OSU Official Release – 2/9/2024 UCLA Meet:
(Here is the official, signed, score sheet with all the final scores, and scores from each judge.)
Esposito and Carey Shine in All-Around Performances Against UCLA
(For completeness, for anyone that didn’t watch/follow, it was very sad that Sydney Gonzales was injured in pre-meet floor warm-ups.)
Top OSU finishers:
Sophia 2nd (9.900) & Jade 3rd (9.875) on Vault
(Kaitlin & Natalie T-5th 9.825)
Sage T-1st (9.950) & Jade T-3rd (9.925) on Bars
(Jennifer T-6th 9.875)
Jade 2th (9.900) on Beam
(Sophia 5th 9.850 & Ariana 6th 9.825)
Sophia* T-1st (9.950) & Jade T-3rd (9.925) on Floor
(Kaitlin 6th 9.875 ... Ariana/Savannah/Karlie* T-7th 9.850)
Jade 2nd (39.625**) & Sophia* 3rd (39.525) in AA!
(*The three new career highs included Karlie’s 1st Floor line-up routine & Sophia’s first AA. Jennifer tied her career high on Bars!)
(**Jade’s first AA score of the season ... her 25th of her career (24th 39.50+), bringing her career AA average to 39.750, and her “Point” total to 1172.113 in 118 routines for a 9.933 average! Jami Lanz (’06-’09) holds the OSU record for career points at 2191.975! Chari Knight (’91-’94) still owns the OSU AA record for a Junior at 39.750!)
While it lasts ...
YouTube copy of the Pac-12 Network meet broadcast
(Missing the start of the broadcast ... w/o Sydney’s injury(a Plus), but w/o Natalie’s vault(a Minus)!)
Pac-12 Interview of Jade (included in above broadcast video).
Pac-12 “highlight” video shows “highlights” of Jade’s AA in first ~1:18 ... then Selena Harris’ AA.
Here are Ralph Greene’s 208 photos from the UCLA Meet: Flickr
Newspaper Articles:
Gazette Times:
Carey, Esposito compete in all-around in home meet against UCLA
(It includes the GT’s video of Jade’s bar routine & this photo of Savanna labeled as “Karlie ...” in the article. There are fewer (but the same) quotes as, and obviously better written than, the Daily Barometer article below, but includes more of a mention of Sydney being injured. FYI, there was no pre-meet article last week, as I had anticipated.
Unless you are a Gazette-Times subscriber, you have limited access to articles. Currently you can get a trial subscription for $1 for 3 months, then $14.99?/mo.)
I’ll include this one only for the quotes from the press-conference ... the rest is, odd language, etc. ... & a little jumbled in the “bars” section?
Daily Barometer:
Down goes No. 18 Beaver gymnastics at home to No. 8 UCLA
(includes this photo of Jade)
Go Beavs!!,
Message Thread OSU Release - UCLA Meet ... and more ... - Richard 2/11/2024, 5:50 pm
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