A place where us "younger guys", may assist the staff, with the holistic aspects, to function as caregivers, or personal care assistants, for our "more senior" friends. Before you scoff, take a look in the mirror, my hair is that color today, this future is not so distant, so I believe the game is afoot, and we have "Miles to go before we sleep"… (“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” RF)
Hey wait a minute, what about the proposal, that we strive to make ALL senior and long term care facilities more like the philosophy of MT, holistic Palaces dedicated to address the multifaceted psyche of ALL its residents. Utilizing music, and art, and food, to enrich patients and staff, incorporating yoga low impact cardio-vascular exercise, meditation. Featuring guest speakers and Gurus, or educators, channeling that spirit that I know it's not gone... imagine if you will, high fidelity sound systems in every room, that can be controlled by the resident with an android phone, continually offering "our" music. The doctors and nurses in tie-dye scrubs, concerts every night, in the theater hall downstairs, accessible to wheelchairs by elevator. Young Musicians roaming the halls, like traveling troubadours (the two Sioux) visiting each room, and playing requests for each occupant. (Perhaps receiving a stipend for Julliard, or such)(Oh, the things I'm going to do when I grow up)
Good news, this is becoming a reality as we speak, Nurses ("the profession that cares") are being placed in Administrative positions of more and more of these facilities. Alternative medicine, spirituality preferences, Eastern medicine and techniques are being slowly inculcated into the mission statements of a great number of these institutions. Healthcare as a whole has gained a greater understanding and acceptance of the roles "family" and "community" play in a person's recovery time and overall well-being. I am working with, and researching LTC residences that follow this approach, on a daily basis, trying to ensure the evolution of this process will it be in time for the first of the "Boomers".
Well John and Milton, do you see what you started? Your target group spans from 16 or 17 onward to 100 and beyond. Not too shabby a target audience, or community...
Quite an Accomplishment for that little "empty" school, full of hippies, homo’s, misfits and drug addicts (as we were referred to by the nonbelievers)
"Well the times they are a changing” - Bob Dylan
Yours in service, but Glenn
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