Now, we have the answer. Maxima and the groom’s mother went to the same school in Buenos Aires
This week-end, the duchess of Medinacelli got married but the news was, once again, the feud between the duchess and several members of her family, and her great-uncle, the Duke of Segorbe.
The old Duchess appointed her youngest and only surviving son as President of the Foundation of the Medinacelli family.
Apparently Segorbe started acting as a dictator and several members of the family intented legal proceedings against him as he refused to give them part of the money the Duchess had left to her successors.
Having lost the case, Segorbe chased from the Foundation all the members of the family who took legal action against him including his grand-niece, the present duchess.
For her wedding, she wanted to wear the Medinacelli tiara, who is one of the Foundation treasures, but her uncle refused, further digging the moat between both of them.
My question is as follows.
What will happen when Segorbe will die ?
He is nearly 80 y.old .
Can he appoint as President of the Foundation anyone he chooses, like his wife or one of his daughters, continuing to deprive the head of the family, present or future, to the access of any pieces of the Foundation ?
Or will all the casted membres of the family regain their seats in the board and elect the new president ?
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