Charles II's mother Henriette Marie de France was a French princess her father was French and Navarrese (Henri IV) and his Queen Marie de Medici was Italian on her father's side and Austrian/German because of her mother the archduchess Joanna of Habsburg.
Charles II's father Charles I had an Danish princess (Anne) as his mother with Scandinavian and German ancestry. His father James VI/I was part Scottish, part English but also had Marie de Guise as one of his grandmothers. She was part of the Lorraine dynasty and had a Bourbon mother.
So things were and are much more mixed.
George II had a French maternal grandmother. His paternal grandmother Sophia of the Palatine was the daughter of Elisabeth Stuart and Frederik V of the Palatine. Frederik's mother was Louise Juliana of Orange-Nassau. First of six daughter from the third marriage of William the Silent (of Dutch and German descent) with Charlotte de Bourbon-Montpensier (of French and Italian descent).
He however is seen as German even though he had plenty of French in him.
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With William coming to the throne sometime in the future, the heritage question of the monarch will be different than currently is it not? William's mother was English, his father part Scot and Danish, his grandmother Elizabeth II half Scot and his grandfather Philip mostly Danish. William is half English with the remainder of his heritage being a mix of Scot and Danish?
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