Otherwise, generally speaking, kings are addressed as Majesty -- except in Scotland, prior to the union with England. Sovereigns there were addressed simply as Your Grace. Previous Message
There seems to be a hodge podge method of addressing the various reigning monarchs in Europe. Some are addressed as your royal majesty or your imperial majesty (when there is an emperor). I have no idea the current way of addressing the Grand Duke of Luxembourg. I am guessing that the reigning princes are addressed as Serene Royal Highness? Might it not make sense to address a reigning monarch as some form of majesty? Perhaps a reigning prince might be Majesty whereas the reigning grand duke might be Serene Majesty or Grand Majesty. Kings and emperors then would be royal and imperial majesties. The use of the word majesty signifying a reigning sovereign and elevating them above the regular peerage.
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