Cover Dog Field Trial Message Board
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TedsWoodworking Plans and Projects

    Land grab

    Posted by Bob Bricker on 1/5/2024, 2:37 pm
    Bob Bricker

    Anyone wanting to keep our land free to hunt in the West should take a look at this site ://
    The SEC & wall street wish to lock up lands & not allow hunting, fishing, mining, oil. A time period til the 18th of this month to voice your opinion to the SEC is available in a link on this website.

      Re: Land grab

      Posted by Bob on 1/12/2024, 7:22 am, in reply to "Land grab"

      This is the link to the article referred above,

        Re: Land grab

        Posted by Kevin Lahoda on 1/12/2024, 7:54 am, in reply to "Re: Land grab"

        Last I checked most large scale land holders are not very friendly and actually outright hostile to the regular guy with a 16 gauge, a setter, and a box of shells..

        So while it’s great that you are attempting to inform the public, I think there’s more to the story here, and ultimately something future generations will wrangle — as they attempt to play clean up with how much land and habitat has been been trashed by humans in the last 200 years.

        Also, worth noting, the planet owns the planet. The rest is human folly.


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